North American Saftey Products Videos

North American Safety Products has manufactured products  seen virtually everywhere around the world, while also being a partners to the highest technical facilities in taking our existence out of this world to worlds unknown.

We have accumulated a collection of videos of our Versa-Guard® products being used by NASA for the Mars Rover, and United Technologies/Pratt & Whitney’s new engine compressor testing facility, that takes us out of this world and then we also have videos of our Versa-Guard® products being used underground by the Washington Metro and NYC Metro subway systems.


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Video of NASA using Versa-Guard around the Mars Rover.

Pratt contributes to nearly $4B loss for Raytheon

United Technologies opens $40M testing facility in East Hartford (Pratt Whitney)

(Great Video of our VG-6000)
UTC Research Center and Pratt & Whitney full-time staff) from 75 companies, 60 of those based in Connecticut. It’s located across the street from jet-engine manufacturer Pratt & Whitney, and gives UTCRC employees access to full-scale compressor block testing for R&D.

Toray Plastics


NYC subway escalator buckles, shreds during morning commute

L’Enfant Escalator Mishap

NYC Subway Escalator Buckles

Metro’s Elevator/Escalator Control Center

Dupont Circle Metro escalators still facing issues after $12M fix

Metro Center escalator repair

Modern Family Season 5 Episode 10 The Old Man and the Tree